The Wayfinders Council
Watering Unified Ascension
We ally with the inherent wisdoms of your living waters,
the desires of your magnetic, golden, water heart,
and the divine, inner guidance of your Spirit-led mission
Inspired by the globe’s gold standard in medical-grade hydrogen water, the wisdoms of the water way,
and our allyship with the mother molecule herself, molecular hydrogen, we are on a divine
wayfinding mission and Self-realization journey to live the life of our heart’s desires.
The Wayfinders Council
The Wayfinders Council
The Wayfinders Council is a soul family of Spirit-led wayfinders, health conscious womenpreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs), and community movement makers who are here to water unified ascension one mission at a time within our own journeys of Self-realization.
As the ‘master navigators’ of our own crafts and unique roles in a shifting world, we Self-realize by (1) hydrating our lives with the wisdoms of living water, (2) healing our bodies with molecular hydrogen in our waters, and (3) flooding our businesses with abundance through the power of high-ticket product affiliation. The rising tide of the feminine frequency is birthing a new world of optimal wellbeing, prosperity, and cooperation between and for us all, rising high as one tide.
We proudly ally with the world’s blue zone holding the longest lifespan for women (Okinawa).

As Your Devoted Water Guardian, Championing the Grounding + Elevation
of your Wayfinding Journey and entrusted with the Wayfinders Council:
𓇼 We Support Your Water Body to ‘Return to Origin’
𓇼 We Attune to Your Higher Self + Highest Timeline
𓇼 We Raise Your Resonance (the Sum of Your Frequencies)
𓇼 We Reclaim Your Inherent Divine Abundance and Freedom
𓇼 We Prioritize Your Well•being + Overflowing Well of Well•th
𓇼 We Are in Co-Mission as Sacred Stewards + Master Wayfinders
𓇼 We Embody the Eden Frequency as the Prophesied Bridge Builders

We live in a regenerative, living, closed-loop water planet, while we ourselves are over 70% water and 99% at the molecular level— mirroring our water planet. We’re a part of a whole, the ocean in a drop. Your puzzle piece is pivotal to planetary ascension.
Water is feminine in nature. She is fluid. A divine feminine force, adaptable by nature ~ soft, strong, and discerning. Her waters flow, birthing our Holy Shift through us. We restore our crystalline, plasma waters as one rising tide, watering heaven on Earth.
Deepen Your Well of Prosperity
Free Yourself with a Highly Aligned, Profitable, Online Business
Water + Elevate Global Health, Wellness, and Community Prosperity
Deep Dive into the Water~Way
Learn more about the Gold Standard of Molecular Hydrogen Water
as a Living Wellness Tool and Vessel Restoring Health + Sovereignty
Devote Yourself to Your Health
Your Body is Able to Self-Heal in the Right Environment +
The World’s Leading Water Ionizer Offers 30+ Years of Service
The Wayfinders Village is a dream being watered. It is a beacon of light, where wayfinders come together between local and global community. At our core, we are a home for wayfinders, and at heart, we are a local movement, hub, and sanctuary in the remote coast of Tanzania, East Africa. Made up of lesser known fishing villages, we have an opportunity to co-create a healing sanctuary, retreat space, eco-marketplace, regenerative marine center, alternative schooling opportunities, local entrepreneurial endeavors, and a devoted Motherfund for prosperous eco-village development and organic, permaculture, food-to-table lifestyles.
This means that the Wayfinders Council also gives back to the Village. We carry a mission to restore the eco-village + socioeconomic prosperity with flowing, therapeutic, living waters. We rise as one tide, locally and globally. Our living water systems play an integral role for Edenic initiatives worldwide as we ‘Return to Origin’, and we hope to meet you here one day.
The Wayfinders Village
The World’s Watering Women Water One Another + The Generations
We Are Here to Water You, too, Mama
Invitation: Connection Call
My name is Mary Stuart (guided by a higher aspect of myself — Stella Maris │ Sea Star). I am the visionary and ‘inheritor’ of The Wayfinders Council, allied with global communities weaving heart-centered businesses, soul-led missions, and holistic wellness journeys. We surround ourselves with diverse, impactful wayfinders who prioritize whole~istic wellbeing. We are watering women, frequency architects, community leaders, investors, and embodied ‘Nation’ builders who are seeding, watering, nurturing, crystallizing, and embodying heaven on Earth. We are raising the collective vibration of humanity by aligning with our freedom, our Higher Selves, and our divine inheritance. Let’s explore the pathway/s that resonate, elevate, and water your Wayfinding Journey ─ attuned to your Higher Self and Highest Timeline carrying the master keys to unlock your divinely designed abundance + ascension designed + destined for you to live out loud.